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Looking for ways to trim your organization’s budget? Rethinking your office printing and scanning strategy may be the bold move your organization needs to save both time and money.
When you enlist the help of a skilled Managed Print Services (MPS) provider you’ll gain insight into your current and future printing needs and the expertise to craft a roadmap to reach your organizational goals. In addition, you’ll have expert, in-person equipment training for your staff and prompt maintenance & repair, when needed.
Outsourcing your print fleet management to a MPS provider will reduce the workload for your IT staff and address any gaps in fleet coverage.
Here’s how working with an MPS provider could help your organization:
By partnering with an MPS provider, not only could you save money but you’ll also be streamlining your office operations, leading to a more productive and environmentally conscious workplace.
Every office environment in the country would like to control printing costs. The cumulative costs can be staggering as there are some studies that suggest the average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of copy paper every year. And without print management software, these same studies have determined that as much as half of all printed copies are never getting picked up from the printer. All that paper isn't just wasteful, it's expensive! How do you reduce printing costs, and how can you get your entire organization motivated to do their part? Think before you print, and use these simple, easy-to-implement tips to learn how to reduce printing costs.
Want to save more time and money? Partner with the pros. When you work with Troyka-TC (GFC), we’ll do the research and help you uncover the true cost of your printing expenses and offer suggestions about how to rein them in.
The Green Bay Packers were thrilled with their print fleet refresh that reduced manual processes for improved productivity, as well as speedy response to service requests that greatly reduced their equipment downtime. As partners, GFC and the Packers review print fleet data regularly and adjust fleet options when necessary to ensure a long-term, winning office productivity strategy.
Organizations with multiple buildings or multiple geographic locations can leverage an MPS provider to help them analyze their print fleet data and construct a print fleet strategy, optimized for each location (or building, department, etc.)
Marquette University (Milwaukee, WI) partnered with GFC to do just that. Canon’s uniFLOW technology enabled secure printing and scanning features for the University that helps to control usage, limit waste and conserve paper and toner. This technology also provided data that was analyzed to gain insights that resulted in reducing their overall fleet size by more than a dozen devices.
It’s common that when we analyze a large organization’s print fleet data, we’ll find opportunities to streamline operations. Here’s another case study about one of our customers, UW Health, one of the largest hospitals in the Midwest.
After adopting a GFC-recommended MPS solution, UW Health recovered an estimated $300 per device in consumables. Additionally, they now produce 10–15% less waste from abandoned print jobs. Most notably, their printer fleet was reduced by more than 800 machines.
Less printers equals less supplies. And if you don’t have a MPS provider, your internal staff might be spending their valuable time maintaining and repairing printers, too. You can lighten their workload and even add Just-in-Time (JiT) toner delivery. Because you might have a closet full of printer supplies (possibly even expired ones) taking up space that could be better used. That was the case for Sauk Prairie Healthcare (Sauk City, WI), before partnering with GFC. After a print fleet refresh, Sauk Prairie was able to clean out and repurpose their closet.
“We really appreciate the professional and efficient implementation we experience with GFC, and feel they went above and beyond expectations. It was an uneventful installation, which is the best possible thing you can say about any installation of new technology.”
– Rick Sauer, Director of Financial Services, Sauk Prairie Healthcare
Don’t let the wrong technology hold your organization back from gaining a competitive advantage and improving workflows and efficiencies. Contact Troyka-TC to request your free business technology needs assessment, today!
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